“Discovering Pie” is a documentary project that uncovers the truth about Rosetta Westbrook Edwards’ life and death, buried beneath 66 years of media bias, systemic racism, and family myths and secrets.
From the South, where her family’s history is rooted in both her mother’s lineage, owners of a thriving 12-horse working plantation rumored to be gifted by the family of President Carter, and her father Eddie Westbrook, a sharecropper. We unravel a complex web of stories that serve as a background from which Pie’s story emerges.
Our goal is to honor Rosetta’s legacy, support BIPOC victims of violence, and advocate for media and police reform. We’re seeking family support, moral and emotional support, and backing to create a high-quality, Netflix-worthy documentary that showcases Eddie’s strength and courage in holding his family together through impossibly dark times.
By sharing Rosetta’s story, we hope to heal our family’s wounds, amplify marginalized voices, and contribute to a future where justice and truth are equitably accessible to all.
In solidarity with Rosetta’s story, we’re committed to donating a portion of the documentary’s proceeds to organizations dedicated to supporting BIPOC women who have faced violence, media bias, and inadequate investigation.
A story about resilience, justice, and the power of truth, as a family uncovers their origins in the South and tragedy in the North, but by confronting the impact and revealing their secrets will find healing and unity once again.
Edmund (Joey)